Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jumping in with both feet!

I'll be honest.

I've been thinking about doing a blog for two years. The funny thing is, I did not think it would be about food. I thought it would be about interior design (I'm addicted to design blogs).

Then I watched the movie "Julie and Julia" (yes, I know it came out last year, but I'm a little slow about seeing movies  - and starting blogs for that matter) - and it really inspired me. I love cooking. Actually, I really enjoy eating.  And I like the process of planning meals, and knowing what I have to look forward to during the week ahead (again, because I really love eating).

I believe this blog will help me (and hopefully you) in the following ways:

1.  Meal planning - It's time saving and it makes it so much easier to answer the
     inevitable "what's for dinner tonight" question.

2.  Save money - Because I plan my dinners according to how my week is looking
     between work and my social life, I always have leftovers for lunch. Always. I take my
     lunch to work everyday, except for the one day of the week that I work out of the office.
     It's a beautiful thing - saving money, that is.

3.  Time management - Planning ahead really saves me time. I usually do a bulk of my
     grocery shopping on Sunday, and then pick up more perishable items during the week
     as needed (ex. if I know I'm cooking salmon on Thursday I won't buy it until
     Wednesday or Thursday). I take these finer details into consideration in my meal
     planning as well (I think they refer to that as Type A personality).

4.  Make my friends happy - My friends are very important to me. Happy friends make
    me happy. My friends really seem to like the recipes I find and I hope that they find this
    blog helpful as well. I'm really doing it for them. If I had my way I'd still be doing my
    meal planning in a spiral notebook. I think I might be entering the 21st century (although
    you still won't find me on Facebook).

I think I have officially started my blog!  Coming tomorrow: What's for dinner this week???

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT! and I'm glad you are doing it! I know you are going to love it too! :)
