Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 4 Follow Up

I'm beginning to realize that I probably need to write more than once a week. I have no choice but to write two blog entries today.

I wanted to follow up on last week's menu - because I really should have called it "That's Life."  Here's a recap:

Monday: Spinach Salad with Salmon, Barley, and Oranges. FANTASTIC!  I was afraid this was going to be really boring. I don't know why. It was really flavorful and texturally very interesting. I've never had barley on a salad and now I want to put it on everything. Two thumbs up!

Tuesday: Sesame Noodles with Tofu. I was supposed to make the Escarole (Kale) and Leeks recipe too. Completely spaced it. Just focused on the sesame noodles - I think the carbs were calling me more than the kale was calling. In actuality I was looking in my fridge and saw some vegetables I really needed to cook up (broccoli, carrots, cabbage, onion) so I used them instead. Oh well. Anyone want some kale? Or leeks?

Wednesday: Steak Fajitas with Sweet Potatoes/Peppers. Again, this was a recipe I somewhat questioned - but I love trying new recipes. The huz gobbled it up. I think you can put sour cream mixed with chipotle peppers on a shoe and eat it - it is so yummy (spicy, yes - but so good). I actually had the sweet pepper mixture on top of leftover cooked barley (from Monday), mixed with diced tofu (from Tuesday). This was another great surprise (very easy by the way).

Thursday: I didn't cook. Nope. Completely forgot the huz had a work/banquet thing for us to attend, so somebody else cooked for me. It's always nice being served, and not doing dishes, but the salmon was overcooked.  Oh well.  Bumped Thursdays recipe to Saturday.

Friday: This is life. The huz wanted to cook. Cooking for him is either Thai take out, or pizza by the slice. Thai  won. It was actually a blessing because I've been fighting a cold, and Thai noodle soup was warm and comforting. Sometimes it really is nice when he "cooks."

Saturday: Asian Rice with Vegetable Bowl (the recipe says Eggs - the huz hates eggs, so he had chicken breast). This is what his plate looked like:

Mmmmm, Asian Rice Bowl...on plate!

I don't even eat chicken and I thought it looked good. Mine had eggs - not as pretty.

So there you have it. A wrap up for last week. I will be posting this week's menu later today (here's a hint: my freezer overfloweth and needeth to be cleaneth outeth asapeth!).

Now go out and enjoy some sunshine!!!

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