Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I have a confession to make...

I didn't cook tonight. Nope. Didn't follow my schedule. Actually, that's not 100% true. I kind of cooked. Just not what I was "supposed" to cook. Does that make me a bad blogger? Have I failed you? Are you going to stop reading now?

Since we are being completely honest here, I have a lot of food in my fridge. Not near as bad as my freezer, but I do have a lot of leftovers. See, the huz doesn't touch leftovers. He's not really fond of second-hand anything (whereas I get whiplash just driving by an estate sale, a thrift store, a random broken piece of furniture sitting by a garbage can), so it really does make sense to me that he doesn't touch leftovers. I, however, love them (both food and second-hand goods).

The problem is...they are winning. They outnumber me right now. To make matters worse, I have a lunch date on Friday - which takes away one opportunity to remove one of those perfectly portioned out take out containers in the fridge. Tonight I had to have a plan of attack.

I still had a significant amount of bulgur salad from Monday - not because it isn't tasty, but only because it makes enough to feed a family of 4 to 6, and we are only a family of two (although if my cat could wrap his peanut size brain around a bulgur salad, he would be all over it), and I had a perfectly thawed pork chop/loin/meat thingy in the fridge for the huz. I decided to pan sear the pork, split the salad between us, put some cooked shrimp on mine (it was on it's last leg from Sunday night), and toasted a cheese bagel as our "bread" (it too was facing a quick demise, according to the date on the package).  Dinner solved.

Two take-out containers down (happily nestled in the dishwasher).  One more to go.  I think  I may just win this thing after all.

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