Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's Sunday night, and I should really be giving you the recipe for the minestrone I made last night, or writing about the menu for this week.  Spoiler alert: I'm not doing either.

I'm not feeling particularly inspired about the minestrone I made last night. It was good - don't get me wrong - but I'm not sure that it's worth writing home about (ha!). It was a slow cooker recipe that I have made before, but really, who doesn't have a decent minestrone recipe? I mean, all it is is beans, pasta, diced tomatoes, spinach, onions, celery, carrots, done. Truth be told I have much better recipes, and it's not worth wasting my time or yours passing on a so-so recipe. She photographs well though :-)

Sometimes soup is okay food.

On the other hand, I do have a little shout out I would like to pass on, regarding a fine wine that I found at "The GO"  (aka The Grocery Outlet). I picked up a couple bottles of this wine for a Christmas party we had, but everyone gobbled up red wine that day, and the poor sad white just sat in an ice bath being ignored. So here it is February, and I had completely forgotten about this wine (because I favor the reds myself) but out of sheer desperation (after a particularly trying day) I needed "something" and she called out to me from the wine rack. Man oh man, am I glad she called! I think I have a new friend.

If you have never purchased wine from The GO you really should. Their bottles range from $2.99 (no joke) to $14.99, with the average price being somewhere around $6 a bottle. Considering how much you would pay for a glass of wine in a restaurant, I consider that a steal, even if you end up not really liking the wine - I think you still come out ahead. To my delight sometimes you may even find a little treasure.

Yes, this is an empty bottle. Must buy more!
Case in point my Capay Valley 2008 Viognier. What a tasty little wine. I actually prefer it not too cold, so if you pour yourself a glass, straight from the fridge, let her sit for a minute or two before you take a sip. I am no wine connoisseur by any means, but this is a nice, light, crisp wine, for a low price. I'm sure I probably paid maybe $6 a bottle (yes, I only buy the best for my house guests). Again, I really am a red wine drinker, but this may get me back on the white wagon.

Now I have not been back to The GO to see if they still carry it, but I'm really hoping they do, because I will definitely buy more. I will keep you posted.

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