Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Roasted Pepper Soup

I love soup. It’s my favorite. Lentil. Broccoli Cheddar. Tomato Bisque. Hungarian Mushroom. Clam Chowder. Even  Ramen. I could eat soup every day. 

I realize not everyone is as passionate about soup as I am, but I do believe we all have fond memories of tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Or chicken noodle soup with saltine crackers when we weren’t feeling 100%. It comforted us. Made us feel safe and secure, like everything would be alright. I still feel that way when I sit down with a nice bowl of soup.   
Now I cannot sustain myself on soup alone – nor would the huz find that a particularly satisfying meal (a nice starter perhaps, but not a veritable feast), so I paired it with Panini sandwiches (grilled steak and mozzarella for the huz and cheese for me), and it was the perfect dinner on a really windy, rainy night.
I’ve never made Roasted Pepper Soup from scratch before. I have purchased it in the carton form, though, so I was anxious to try this recipe.  It was so easy.
Roasted Pepper Soup
Serves 6- 8
4 to 5 red bell peppers (about 1 ½ pounds)
1 ½ pounds ripe tomatoes
1 red onion
3 garlic cloves
½ red chili
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
5 cups vegetable or chicken stock
Salt and pepper
1 cup Greek yogurt, as garnish
1.       Preheat oven to 350F
2.       Quarter peppers and deseed them. Halve the tomatoes and roughly chop the onion, garlic, and chili. Pull all the vegetables on a baking sheet. 
3.       Mix the vinegar and oil, and pour over the vegetables, making sure everything is well coated.
4.       Roasted the vegetables, for 45 minutes, turning them at least once during their cooking time.

5.       All vegetables to cool. Either process the vegetables through a food mill to remove the skins, or pulse the vegetables in a food processor.

Pureed to perfection!

6.       Place the pureed vegetables in a saucepan and thin with stock to the desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper. Warm the soup and enjoy.  Garnish with a dollop of Greek yogurt if you like.

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