Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 9 Dinner Menu

Good afternoon. I'm actually early today. Already made my menu for the week, and even got my grocery shopping done this morning. I am on a roll. I'm going to keep this post brief and to the point because I am making lunch as I type. Here is my menu for this week:

Sunday: Homemade Pizza and Salad. It's Oscar night, and I am going to be glued to my TV for a good three hours. I figured what better way to celebrate than by making pizza. I also have a date with my laundry. Another wild and crazy night at our house.

Monday: Smoked Salmon Hash and Salad. Yes, salad two nights in a row. I'm craving crisp green salads right now. Maybe it's been this hit of cold weather we have had. I'm longing for warm days and refreshing vegetables. The smoked salmon hash is one of the huz's favs, so I am not counting on leftovers.

Tuesday: Vegetarian Tortilla Soup and Quesadillas. I have never seen a vegetarian tortilla soup recipe before - always chicken - so I'm souper excited to try this. I love me some soup, and the huz loves him some melted cheese, so I'm hoping this combo will please us both.

Wednesday: Brown Rice Salad with Chicken Sausage. This is actually a main dish salad recipe I found through a local health food store. In theory it can stand on it's own. I think the huz would beg to differ, hence the side of sausage. I'm also preparing some collard greens as a side for both of us (there was no kale at the grocery store today!).

Thursday/Friday: No cooking. You heard correct. Friday is my better half's birthday, and we are heading out of town. I have agreed to go out two nights in a row, (1) because we won't be leaving until after work on Thursday, and (2) because Friday is his actual "special day." You have no idea how much it pains me knowing that we are eating out two nights in a row. I'm sure that sounds crazy to some of you, but I think eating out is such a waste of money. But, it's not about me, it's about the huz, and I want him to enjoy his birthday. We are going to a couple of his favorite haunts, and it's totally worth seeing him happy.

Saturday: Lemon Pasta. This is a fav of the huz as well, and since it is his birthday weekend I want to make him something I know he loves. I will pick up some yummy fish or seafood, and maybe a fabulous artisan bread as well.

Have a great Sunday!

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