Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 6 Dinner Menu

I feel like I’m kind of all over the place this week. It’s probably because I’m a day behind in my blogging. That’s life.  I think I have an eclectic menu this week. I’m still cleaning out the freezer, and working with what I already have. Here is the week ahead:
Monday: Angel Hair Pasta with Marinara and Seared Scallops.  I have frozen scallops thawing away, and the last of the frozen marinara sauce from the veggie chicken parmesan I made a few weeks ago. Yes, it made that much sauce. This is the end of it, I swear.  I’m probably going to cook up some kale with this as well (I can’t get enough of it!).
Tuesday: "Beef" and Beef Soft Tacos.  When I made “Flaming Nachos” on Sunday, I sautéed Morningstar Farms Crumbles with some diced red onions (a request from the huz). I had at least half of this mixture left over and  will be using this for my tacos, while the huz will be enjoying some kind of sliced up meat I pulled out of the freezer. We will be devouring our tacos with salsa and cheddar cheese, and probably some brown rice with broccoli, or some type of dark green vegetable – not kale.
Wednesday: Pasta Fagioli Soup with Buffalo Chicken Wings. I’m sure this is not a traditional Italian combination.  A couple weeks ago I was perusing World Market and came across this packaged bean soup mix. I’m going to try it out in the slow cooker (it has stove top directions on the package, but screamed “SLOW COOKER” to me). Because it is vegetarian, and the huz is not the biggest soup fan, the carnivore in him will be sated with buffalo chicken wings (relics from the freezer). I see warm, yummy, crusty bread in our future too.
Thursday: Vegetarian Ziti Gratin.  This is another Real Simple magazine recipe that I have had for some time. It is a little time consuming to make, BUT it yields great freezer potential (yes, I know I’ve been working diligently over the past two weeks to clean out my freezer, but it’s out with the old, and in with the new, right?).  You are going to love the multi-purpose aspects of this recipe. I promise.
Friday: Chicken Burgers/Veggie Burgers and Roasted Veggies.  I call this “fast food” in our house. It’s the closest the huz gets to junk food from me.  I’m thinking its Friday. What the heck. Let’s go nuts.
Saturday: No cooking! Can you hear the angels singing? We have a birthday party to attend. You know I’m going to be all over the cake. There better be cake.  Oh God, what if there’s no cake?  I’m saying a prayer.

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