Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 8 Dinner Menu

When planning my weekly menu I try to take certain variables into consideration. Weather is a good one, because if it is going to be hot outside I don't want to be using my oven, or if the forecast is for say snow or freezing temperatures, I may want to go heavy on casseroles, to heat up the house and our bellies. Another important factor is our work/play schedules, because there can be a night or two that one or both of us may not be home for dinner. This week I have both to take into consideration (cold temps and long work days), so I planned my menu accordingly. I have to admit, I feel like I'm getting off kind of easy this week.

Week 8 Dinner Menu

Monday - Baked Rigatoni with Grilled Chicken and salad

Tuesday - Easy "Sausage" Bake with steamed broccoli

Wednesday - Camarones Enchiladas.  This is a new recipe for me, although I have had the recipe since May 2010. I've just never made it. The huz suggested enchiladas this week, so I figured it was a good time to test a new recipe.

Thursday - Leftovers. The huz has a late work night, and I know there will be quite a smorgasbord of various leftover dishes in the fridge by Thursday. 

Friday - Roasted Cod with Gnocchi, and steamed veggies.  We will see what is in the crisper drawer by the end of the week.

Saturday - Wild Card. I'm calling Saturday a "wild card" because I have a feeling we may be eating out. I am actually going to work with the huz on Saturday, to paint his office, and I have a feeling I probably won't want to cook by the end of the day. If I had my way though, I could pre-plan our dinner, or even take something out of the freezer. The only problem is the huz informed me, last night, that I am cooking WAY too much, because of this blog. He feels quite strongly that it is okay for us to go out to eat once in awhile. He's pretty cute sometimes. I think I may give in on this one - but I know in my heart I could make dinner. We'll see what happens.

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