Sunday, May 22, 2011

Corn Salad = Sunshine and all things good

Okay, you may think that title is a little extreme for corn salad, but I assure you it is not. I mean look at this:
Corn Salad
Photo courtesy of

Look at that bowl of sunshine. Bright yellow corn. Fresh basil and chives. If this doesn't get you in the mood for summer cookouts I seriously think we need to break up.

I had to resort to using a photograph for this recipe from the website because:

  1. the huz doesn't eat fresh tomatoes, so picture this salad sans the pop of red color - B-O-R-I-N-G (but only in appearance, not in taste - I substituted sundried tomatoes instead)
  2. we ate the salad so fast I really didn't have an opportunity to take a picture...we are pigs I tell ya'
 I have to say the dressing for this salad is really the star. I know I will make this salad many times this summer, but I'm even more excited to try the dressing with some other flavor combinations.

We enjoyed this salad with a nice piece of roasted salmon, and steamed green beans. Delish!

Consider my discovery my personal gift to you, this beautiful Spring day.

Corn Salad
Yields: 6 servings (if you are lucky)

2 cups water, plus 1 Tbsp
¾ tsp salt, divided
1 cup quick-cooking barley
2 cups corn kernels (4 ears)
1/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup chopped fresh basil
3 Tbsp chopped fresh chives
1½ Tbsp red-wine vinegar
¼ tsp sugar
¼ tsp black pepper
3 Belgian endives, trimmed and sliced crosswise to ½ inch thick
Halved cherry tomatoes for garnish

1. Bring 2 cups water and ¼ tsp salt to boil in a saucepan. Stir in barley; reduce heat and simmer, covered, 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes.

2. Cook corn in a large pot of boiling water, 1 minute. Drain, rinse in cold water, drain again, and pat dry. Place in a large bowl.

3. In a blender, combine oil, basil, chives, vinegar, sugar, ½ tsp salt, pepper, and 1 Tbsp water. Drain barley; add to corn. Stir in endives and dressing. Top with tomatoes.

Source: Gourmet Magazine

Friday, May 20, 2011

Rigatoni with Roasted Sausage and Broccoli

Rigatoni with Roasted Sausage

So I tease you with telling you how good this dinner was on Sunday night, then I completely forget to post the recipe - or take a picture for that matter. I pretty much suck, don't I?

I can't blame the mini vaca, or the bit of sunshine streaming through my windows. I've just been lazy when it comes to the computer. You see I'm on a computer much of my work day, and the last thing I want to do is look at a screen when I get home (unless that screen is showing "Top Chef Masters" or "Yard Crashers," then I'm totally hooked).

But, I really do want you to have this recipe because it was tasty, and quick, and I made it vegetarian...oh, and the huz loved it. If it passes the huz test you know it's a winner (he is a very finicky eater).

I followed this recipe to the letter EXCEPT I did use my tried and true Tofurky Italian Sausage. Oh, yeah, and I added a half cup of chopped walnuts too. The walnuts gave a great crunch and texture that was a little unexpected - plus walnuts are so good for you.

Recipes like this prove that there is no excuse not to have a good, hot, homecooked meal any night of the week.

Rigatoni with Roasted Sausage and Broccoli
Serves 4


  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter (in reading this recipe I realize I didn't use the butter - I didn't miss it)
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan (1 ounce)
  1. Heat oven to 400° F. Cook the pasta according to the package directions. Reserve ¾ cup of the cooking water. Drain the pasta and return it to the pot.
  2. Meanwhile, on a rimmed baking sheet, toss the broccoli and onion with the oil, ½ teaspoon salt, and ¼ teaspoon pepper. Nestle the sausage among the vegetables.
  3. Roast, tossing once, until the broccoli is tender and the sausage is cooked through, 18 to 20 minutes.
  4. Toss the pasta with the broccoli and sausage mixture, butter, and ½ cup of the reserved cooking water (add more if the pasta seems dry).
  5. Sprinkle the pasta with Parmesan before serving.
Source: Real Simple Magazine

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 19 Dinner Menu

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and maybe travel offers some inspiration too. Since coming home I have been easing myself back into my nightly cooking routine, and have been thoroughly enjoying the rewards. Case in point, pizza I made last night.

This pizza was 100% inspired by my trip. Every morning there was an amazing breakfast buffet at our hotel. They had everything from omelets, to oatmeal, to miso soup and rice. I was particularly fond of the lox with sliced tomatoes and scrambled eggs.  During our trip we had a rather delicious chicken pizza, yes, CHICKEN pizza, but that is a whole separate discussion altogether.

Back to last night's dinner.

The huz and I usually struggle when it comes to pizza - he wants meat....I don't. One thing we mutually love though is smoked salmon. I thought, "Why don't I make a smoked salmon pizza?" We've been married almost 13 years, and I have no idea why I have not thought of this sooner. It was perfect.

I made a pesto from flat leaf parsley, and topped the pizza with smoked salmon and a light sprinkling of mozzarella cheese. After I removed it from the oven, I topped it with diced red onion (I wanted the crunch and zing to remain in tact, versus cooking the onion on the pizza).

Homemade pesto - parsley, garlic, olive oil, almonds, salt and pepper

This was hands down the best pizza I have ever made. Ever.

My version of the Mona Lisa.  Perfection!

And I won't even tell you about the orange cake we had for dessert.

I digress.

Fueled by inspiration, and a handful of new recipes, I am really looking forward to the week ahead.

Week 19 Dinner Menu

Sunday: Rigatoni with Vegetarian Sausage and Broccoli (I literally just ate this for dinner and if you are lucky I will share this recipe. It was VERY good)
Monday: Salmon with Corn Salad (I already prepped the corn tonight - I'm excited to try out this new recipe)
Tuesday: Sesame Noodles with Tofu and Vegetables
Wednesday: Asian Chicken Salad Sandwiches with Miso Soup
Thursday: Roasted Cod with Lemon Couscous (although I may use quinoa instead)
Friday: Veggie Burgers and Homemade BBQ Fries
Saturday: Going out to dinner. Lucky me.

Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Second Honeymoon

Well, I'm slowly returning to reality. The last bits of sand slowly finding their way out of my suitcase. We had a wonderful working vacation. Very relaxing. Great food. I think I actually grew gills from swimming everyday. I just can't get enough of the water there - pool or salt.

Speaking of not getting enough, I fell in love all over again during my time away. It's not what you are thinking. I have always been madly in love with the huz. Ever since the day I met him. He took my breath away.

No, this is a new love. A long lost love that came into my life unexpectedly in Maui, and will forever be a part of my life. His name is Hybrid Chardonnay.

Isn't he handsome?
 You see, as with any good wino, I began my wine drinking career with sweet, white wine. Riesling. Muscato. Gewurztraminer. You know what I'm talking about.

Then as my palette developed I moved into the Pinot Grigio's, Chardonnay, and in more recent years the Viogniers. BUT, there was a period of time, I'd say the last five years or so, where I really couldn't stomach the white wines anymore. I had finally progressed to the reds. As much as the movie Sideways gave grief to Merlot, I really did love me a good Merlot, and really, there isn't a Cabernet Sauvignon or Zinfandel that I don't fancy. I really prefer red over white - which is good for my heart, so they say. I find something very satisfying about a nice, chewy, fruity red. They are my fav.

So imagine my surprise when the huz and I went out for sushi last week, and I stumbled across this little Chardonnay. I figured it would be nice to have a white wine with all of the fish I would be consuming. It had me hook, line, and sinker.  Not only is this company all about sustainability (my middle name by the way), this wine is FANTASTIC!!!

This is the actual description from their website:
"Our "naked" unoaked style of Chardonnay is enhanced with a brush of Viognier, to showcase the tropical notes of fresh pineapple and kiwi. A short smooth mid palate is complimented with a clean slightly acid finish. A wonderful wine that can be enjoyed as an apertif or with numerous fish or poultry dishes. "

#1 - I hate oaky Chardonnay. That's probably why I don't like Chardonnay most of the time. I prefer a steel cask any day.

#2 - I had NO IDEA that it was a blend. Viognier and Chardonnay???? OMG!!! Brilliant.

Needless to say when we went out to eat on Sunday night, and I saw Hybrid on the wine menu, I had to have it. Now I will am on a quest. I will be diligently searching for this wine this weekend, and hope to be sharing it with family and friends soon. Cheers!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 18 Dinner Menu???

So where is Week 18's Dinner Menu, you ask? Actually, where has Shawn been for the past week and a half...period? Well, I can assure you I did not
     fall off the face of the earth - just a few thousand miles away. In a nutshell,
     I've been flakey.

You see, I'm currently at a conference in Maui. Yes, my life is hard. I have not cooked since Monday, and really have no menu to report. I am thinking about documenting my food adventures for the week, though, because let's face it - I'm a food whore. I  love it. Can't get enough of it. And trust me, I haven't been here that long, and I literally already had a meal to write home about. Just ask my parents.

So that's the scoop. I'll be checking in. Touching base. Hopefully making you feel not so neglected. I've been a bad blogger girlfriend but I promise to make it up to you.
I'm saving a spot for you on the beach.  Aloha!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 17 Dinner Menu

In keeping with the theme I started last week (all Italian all the time), I decided to focus on Mexican food this week.
Given that yesterday was Easter, and I do have some leftovers we need to finish up, I would not call this a traditional Mexican food week (although I’m pretty sure that most of the Mexican food we have been exposed to has been Americanized to a certain extent).
I think what I love about Mexican food is the simplicity. Much like Italian food, it’s all about the basics – beans, rice, grilled meats, vegetables, fresh sauces, and who can forget – TORTILLAS!  I love tortillas. Flour, corn, even wheat – I love them all. I love wrapping up my scrambled eggs in the morning, or even hummus and veggies for lunch. There is nothing you can’t put in a tortilla.
And I’m a sucker for chips and salsa too. I have a feeling I will be eating chips and salsa all week because I just can’t resist that salty crunch, combined with fresh salsa. Mmmm….salsa....and cerveza isn't too shabby either.
Week  17 Dinner Menu
Sunday: Easter. We had the traditional Easter fare. We have leftover ham that needs to be used asap.
Monday: Vegetarian Tortilla Soup with Ham & Cheese Quesadillas. I have made this recipe before, and will all of the Easter indulgence I think this is a nice balance. I actually made vegetable stock yesterday - which I have never done before – and will be using it in this recipe. I’m souper excited (pun intended). I think the huz is gonna go bananas over the ham & cheese quesadillas. I mean, what kid, I mean man, doesn’t love a Mexican grilled cheese sandwich – with ham no less?
Tuesday: Vegetarian Paella with Mexican Sausage (for the huz).  I saw Gwyneth Paltrow on Ellen Friday and she made vegan paella. I may try her recipe or another vegetarian version. I’ve never made paella – nor do I have a paella pan – so this could be interesting.
Wednesday: Grilled Fish Tacos.  Now as much as I love carbs, all things tortilla, and chips & salsa, I loves me some fish tacos. If they are on a menu I generally have to try them. Now, I’m not talking fish tacos made with fried fish. I’m talking chunks of white, meaty grilled fish with fresh cabbage slaw, tomatoes, avocado, sour cream – oh my. Of course the huz will pass on the tomatoes and avocado, but I bet I can woo him with sour cream blended with Sriracha.
Thursday: Camarones Enchilados with leftover Paella.  I haven’t made Camarones Enchilados since I fell in love with them, so I’m anxious to make them again. I’m assuming we will still have leftover paella, which would be a nice accompaniment. If the paella is gobbled up by then, I will probably do steamed rice and black beans.
Friday: Enchiladas.  I’m kind of up in the air as to what kind of enchiladas I’d like to make on Friday. This will almost be a wild card in and of itself.
Saturday: Wild Card. I may have to go out. I may have to dine in. I’m leaving this day open just in case.  Everyone deserves a wild card now and then.
Buenos Noches!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tortellini Soup

Last week I made tortellini soup and completely forgot to write about it, let alone share the recipe. I have had this recipe for many years. To be honest I'm not sure where it came from, BUT it is one of those rarities that both the huz and I love. Sometimes he even requests it, and he's not even a big soup fan. Or pasta fan. Or tomato fan. So that says a lot for this recipe.

I have to tell you it is super easy and super fast. The key is to have all of your ingredients prepped before you even start cooking because it goes together that quickly.

On a completely separate note - HAPPY EASTER!  As I type I am patiently waiting for my in-laws arrival (we are hosting Easter dinner - woo hoo), so this is really helping me take the edge off. Because I have been focused on Easter that past two days I haven't given my weekly menu a ton of thought. I can tell you it will have a Mexican/Spanish theme though, and I'm fairly confident I have the menu planned out.  I can tell you with 75% certainty that tomorrow night we will be having Vegetarian Tortilla Soup and Quesadillas. I'm pretty sure.

Now back to Tortellini Soup. Enjoy!

Makes 4 - 6 servings

1 tablespoon butter
4 cloves of garlic, minced
2 - 14 1/2 ounce can vegetable broth (or chicken broth)
1 - 9 ounce package cheese tortellini
1/4 cup grated Parmesan + additional for garnish
Salt and Pepper
1 - 14 1/2 ounce can petite dice tomatoes
1/2 bunch or package of spinach, stemmed and julienne sliced
1 teaspoon dried basil

1. Melt butter in heavy saucepan over medium heat. Add garlic and saute 2 minutes.
2. Stir in broth and tortellini. Bring to a boil and reduce heat.  Stir in 1/4 cup Parmesan. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer until tortellini are just tender, about 5 minutes.
3. Stir tomatoes, spinach, and basil into soup. Simmer 2 minutes.
4. Serve, topping with additional Parmesan cheese, if desired.

Bowl of Yum!