Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week 11 Dinner Menu

Working on this week's menu I decided to incorporate more green salads, as I have really been craving green salads (I'm sure daylight savings time has something to do with it). I feel like I have been roasting, sauteing, or steaming vegetables for the past five months, and I'm dying for some fresh farmer's market produce. May cannot get here soon enough!

Unfortunately, the lettuce farmer's of America do not agree with me.  I don't know if you have purchased lettuce lately, but man oh man is it expensive. I had kind of noticed this last week, when I opted to buy a huge bag of washed spinach in lieu of green leaf lettuce (which was $2.49 a head).

Today I actually took the time to see that there was a notice posted about the high cost of lettuce. Of course I didn't actually read it.  I vaguely recall seeing words like "harsh," "weather", "crops," which I'm guessing explains why the lettuce is so expensive right now. Bagged spinach it is.

On that note, here is my Week 11 Dinner Menu:

Sunday: Kale and White Bean Soup with Pizza Dough Rolls.  I'm craving some uber healthy, yummy, hearty soup tonight, since I've been indulging in uber, unhealthy, not as yummy as my cooking, eating out in restaurants this weekend. I have some leftover pizza dough, that I am going to attempt to make into dinner rolls to accompany my soup. We'll see how this goes.

Monday: Spanish Rice Bake with Spinach Salad. I'm not 100% sure if I have already shared this recipe or not. I have a feeling I haven't. If you like Mexican food, you are going to LOVE this recipe. Seriously. I don't kid about this kind of stuff.

Tuesday: Noodle Salad with Shrimp and Broccoli.  This is a spicy Asian salad I love to make in the summer time, but I can't wait until summer. I need it now!

Wednesday: Chicken Parm with Spinach Salad. I'm going to see our local stage production of "Rent" Wednesday night, and needed a super fast, super simple dinner, and this fits the bill. The Play Bill that is...hee....hee....hee (theater geek humor, check).

Thursday: Vegetarian Stew and Pastrami Sandwich. Here's to the little bit of Ireland in each of us. There has to be a trace, right? Who doesn't love potatoes and carrots?

Friday: Japanese Salmon with Rice and Vegetables.  This is one of my favorite recipes, and I have not made it this year, yet. I can taste it now.

I can't wait for Friday!

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